Hey there friend, I am so glad you are here!

Yes, I am talking to you…

Let’s be honest; some days, you may not feel like a rockstar at all (and that’s ok…I am here to help!)

You may feel more like a ball of stress, a rock between two hard places, a sleep-deprived parent trying to run a business and love on your kiddos simultaneously, or someone who is just plain stuck and unsure how or when to take the next step.

Your daily routine may look something like this…

  • Wake up excited to get cracking on your to-do list.
  • Feed the kids, the animals, yourself, or all of the above.
  • Get everyone out the door or set up playing in the other room.
  • Grab a coffee and start working.


Jamie sitting on bench with laptop

Sound familiar?

If we were meeting in person, I would probably reassure you with a hug, share some stories of my business journey, or exchange a good ol’ handshake, but since I can’t, I will give you a quick word of encouragement. 

You have what it takes.

You possess the qualities necessary to impact the world with your service or product. (I believe in you!)

The passion that you began with is still there, but it may be buried under frustration, stress, overwhelm, and the feeling of a loss of control. What you once were so passionate about has turned into a j-o-b, a constant source of stress and overwhelm, and it feels – well – just yucky.

Jamie in a dark blazer leaning on a white fence
I get it.

Honestly, I do.  I’ve been there, and I found the secret sauce to get rid of that icky feeling! #keepreading

How would it feel if:

Jamie standing with horse wearing brown hat

If you are anything like me when my business was new-ish, the thing that held me back, typically, was - yes, you guessed it - money.

All the experts and people I looked up to told me I had to invest in myself. I agreed; however, between childcare, farm bills, and regular life, I felt like investing in myself was unobtainable.

By nature, I am a risk taker, but as a mom and business owner, it took me years to put my money where my goals were.

Guess what happened when I did?

It’s no secret, and it will not shock you, but my income doubled in a 6 month period after I hired a coach and committed to working the program.

You want to know something exciting, though? 

I did not break the bank and invest $1000’s a month (at first). I found a coach that fit my needs and aligned with my values. The program was under $500 a month with a 6-month commitment. I jumped in and committed to the work, and the results followed! I was SO grateful for a manageable price point that allowed me to gain entry to a program that would propel my business forward and allow me to help so many more people. #happydance

Years later, I want to do the same for you!

Now is the time to invest in yourself in a way that doesn’t break the bank BUT does challenge you to commit to something new. 

Yes, I could charge $1500 a month for a group coaching program; however, my heart and my head have worked out a better plan. 😉

I have such a heart for small businesses. 

I remember what it was like to try and level up on my own, to DIY everything. The feeling that I was alone and that I might never reach my full potential. Each day was filled with a vast vision, only to end in frustration at the day’s end. 

I don’t want that for you. I would be honored to partner with you so you can ditch the overwhelm and the frustration, gain more confidence, and bless the world with your product or service. 

If that sounds like heaven on earth for you, let’s get started TODAY, right now.

I’ve made it easy.

Small Business Marketing Accelerator

Simply decide on a 6 or 12 month commitment.
6 Month Program
Pay in full - $1,497
Now only $748.50!
6 payments of $297
6 payments of $133!
12 Month Program
Pay in full - $2,997
Now only $1498!
12 payments of $297
12 payments of $133!

Is the Small Business Marketing Accelerator for you?

This Small Business Marketing Accelerator is perfect for:

This program is not for you if:

  • You are allergic to hard work.
  • You are pessimistic, unteachable, or closed-minded
  • You are just looking for a quick buck and not excited about authentically connecting with your ideal client.
Jamie with her laptop on a barrel standing next to her horse

My name is Jamie Samples and I love business building!

I am a business coach, social media specialist, marketing strategist, speaker and founder of Yellow Barn Media with over 15 years of experience.

But that’s only a fraction of who I really am.

I am a wife, a mother, a horse enthusiast, an animal lover, an American patriot, a country chick and an eternal optimist with endless energy and a contagious smile.

My goal is to provide you with tools to make it easier to market your business, thus making more money. I’m honored to start this journey with you to grow your business and pursue your passion!

What's Included
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1-on-1 onboarding strategy call with Jamie

A 30-minute strategy call with Jamie. Together, we will take a deep dive into where you are with your business and track a path to get you where you want to go. Jamie will also give you prompts with the best place to start in the program to ensure maximum value. 

Group coaching call icon

Weekly group coaching calls

Live coaching calls with Jamie where you can bring your questions and work through your challenges to ensure you get quick wins! Your questions can be privately submitted, or we can work through an issue with you on the hot seat to help others that may be working through the same thing.

Facebook accountability group icon

Facebook Accountability Group

Accountability + Support from Jamie and other small business owners. Knowing you are not out on an island by yourself and also having the reassurance that others are walking this same journey can add immense value to your path to success.

Resource library icon

Resource Library

Get access to practical resources to move your business forward at your own pace. Learn from short, how-to videos, social media templates, guest expert interviews, marketing industry updates, mindset & leadership tools, and printables to organize your business. New modules are posted monthly.

Marketing audits icon

Marketing Audits

As you develop marketing materials for your business, you can submit those for an audit. Jamie will provide you with feedback on items such as logos, colors, social media and email content, print materials, and more. 

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Discount on Done-for-you Marketing Services

As you develop and grow your business, you may determine your best course is to outsource specific tasks. While participating in the Small Business Marketing Accelerator, you’ll receive 20% off social media & email services and one-hour strategy calls through Yellow Barn Media.

Done for you services icon

Your Own Personal Cheerleader + 6-Figure Entrepreneur

This world can be challenging in life and business. Jamie thrives in bringing knowledge and energy to your business that will leave you feeling refreshed and encouraged. She KNOWS you have what it takes to find success!

Why A Coaching Program?

Could your business benefit if you had more self-confidence, better time management, higher levels of productivity, or improved communication skills?

turquoise boho arrow

According to a 2023 study by Upcoach.com:

  • 80% saw improved self-confidence
  • 72% saw improvement in communication skills
  • 57% reported improvement in time management
  • 70% saw improved work productivity

With the Small Business Marketing Accelerator, you will have access to:

Small Business Marketing Accelerator

Simply decide on a 6 or 12 month commitment.
6 Month Program
Pay in full - $1,497
Now only $748.50!
6 payments of $297
6 payments of $133!
12 Month Program
Pay in full - $2,997
Now only $1498!
12 payments of $297
12 payments of $133!

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Copyright © 2025 Yellow Barn Media. All rights reserved.

Stuck for content ideas?

27 Social Media & Email Marketing Content Ideas

Take a peek at these 27 action-packed ideas for Social Media and Email Marketing and get started right away!

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You are one step closer to creating engaging content!

Click below to download the list of 27 content ideas. You can use these for social media, email, or to find inspiration for your next reel or TikTok video.

Remember consistency is key, so grab a handful of these ideas, put them to work, and continue creating wonderful content that gives your audience a feeling of authenticity and genuine connection.