Hey there friend, I am so glad you are here!

You’ve probably landed on this page because you’re a business owner looking for a solution to a problem. 

You may have connected with me on social media, got an email from me, or maybe a friend sent you the link to this page.

No matter how you arrived, I want to first say I am honored you are here and also tell you a little about myself lightning-fast, because I’m all about your business success!

Hi! I’m Jamie Samples, owner and founder of Yellow Barn Media. 

Jamie in horse pasture with dark blazer holding laptop

I have been involved in business development for 20+ years. I have worked through my own business challenges and found great success, acted as an entrepreneurial cheerleader and coach to hundreds over the years, and created systems that are guaranteed to work when you commit to consistency and authenticity. 

Let’s chat about the one thing that almost every business owner struggles with, ok?

And about 1000 other things, right?

You are probably reading this right now, and thinking of the to-do list you have with ALL. THE. THINGS. you have to accomplish today, this week, and this month.

Sound like you?

Now, don’t get too excited, I am not Marty McFly and I do not have a time machine, BUT….

I do have proven strategies that have grown my business to 6-figures, and something that allows me to help others, enjoy what I do, and actually have a family life too!

You're doing great!

Whichever category you fall into, the one thing I’d put money on is that you are amazing. 

Your product or service is outstanding.

Your customer service is second to none.

The question that you need to ask yourself is what is standing between you and your dream business?

Jamie sitting on bench in barn

My Story

If you will indulge me I would like to share a short story about my entrepreneurial journey.

If you know me, short stories are hard, but for the sake of your time, I will do my best 😁

I have officially been an entrepreneur for well over 15 years.

Now, this is the part where every 6-figure entrepreneur says a bunch of stuff to make you feel bad about following the masses.

You won’t get that from me. 

We all have our own journeys, challenges, and lives we have to live – more on that in a bit…

I will say that I did alright over the years just going the DIY route. I grew my business, and I learned so much; however, it was not sustainable for me to actually hit the goals I had set for myself.

I started challenging myself to get uncomfortable in business – to take calculated risks that I felt comfortably uncomfortable with. Is that even a thing? 😁

Once I decided to do that and I literally put my money where my mouth was, that is when the dam broke.

I decided to invest in myself and my business by hiring a coach, an online business manager, and three virtual assistants – all at the same time. #yikesthatwasscary

Within month #2 of me taking that big, scary leap, I crushed a monthly goal I had for over 12 years. After that, I hit my goal of having a 6-figure yearly income. It felt amazing!

Back to you…

We all have different reasons for being business owners, right?

Some of us had a major problem in our lives that we were able to provide a solution for, so we made it into a business.

Others of us “fell” into a career that was fun and we made it into a business {I am raising my hand to this one}.

Many of us just needed a way out of a J.O.B., so we created a business in hopes it would support our family {P.S. I retired my husband from a toxic job which was a top-three goal of mine!}.

Whatever your reason is for starting your business, you want to succeed and you’re obviously here for some insight on how to do just that.

Please take a moment and reflect on these questions:

  • How would you feel if you could actually complete the most important items on your to-do list?
  • What would an extra “you insert a dollar amount here” do for you and your family?
  • What action would take you from where you are now to where you want to be?

This is also the place where many coaches will talk about limiting beliefs, your mindfulness, and all that other jazz. 

There certainly is a space for that; however, what I have personally found is that there is incredible power in just doing the thing

Whatever that thing is, that will propel you forward, is the thing that you need to take massive action on.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Guy Kawasaki:

“You have to sit by the side of the river for a very long time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth.”

I quote it often, and most people get a perplexed look on their faces. 🧐

Take a moment and read it again, really. It is so powerful.

In this world that provides so much at the touch of a button, sometimes we forget that it may take blood, sweat, and tears to grow your business. Well, let’s hope there’s no blood.😜

But honestly, it is going to take work, time, resources, and did I mention time?

Welcome to a VIP Marketing Day
with Jamie!

I would love to be that person, to help you grow; to take on some of those marketing tasks that just don’t fit into your daily schedule; to be your business cheerleader.

So I’ve started offering VIP Days to do just that!

If you are anything like me, you are incredibly excited at the potential of the success I just described, but you want to know all the details, right?

Jamie in a dark blazer leaning on a white fence

What is a VI P Marketing Day?

A VIP Marketing Day with Jamie consists of six hours of strategic, focused time devoted to your business development.

Here are some examples of what we typically can complete in one FOCUSED VIP DAY:

{keep in mind, we would focus on one of these marketing projects, not the whole list 😁 I have these types of tasks down to a science, but I am not Superwoman.}

How Does a VIP Marketing Day Work?

Step #1:

Start the Journey

Once you book and pay the 50% deposit for your VIP Marketing Day, I will celebrate with you and also send over a questionnaire, which will officially get the party started! The questionnaire will help me, help you so we can collaborate with maximum efficiency.

⇒Do I require you to fill out an application to work with me? Nope

⇒If you have questions will you jump on a call with me before I book? You betcha, it would be my pleasure. 

Fine print: The final payment of the remaining 50% is due no later than 5 pm EST the night before our VIP Day unless you paid in full when you scheduled your VIP Day. In that case, just ignore this fine print 😁
Step #2:

Plan it Out

Next, we will get our VIP Day on the calendar, and schedule your “Let’s Do This” call. This first call is a 30-60 minute Zoom call that allows us to chat about where you are, where you want to go, and how we will get you there during the VIP Day.Don’t worry, I will also email you any requests for extra info, documents, pictures, etc., as well as send you reminders of our upcoming day.

Step #3:

It’s Go Time!

Your VIP Day is here! #buckleup

We will meet in the morning over Zoom to ignite the strategy for the day. After our morning call, you can go about your day however you please while I get down to work. Yup, you read that right, you’ve got me for the day. Although this is a process of working together, I will need quiet and focused time to really work my craft and deliver what I am promising, but we can communicate through Voxer as needed. It is helpful if you are virtually available during the VIP day to ask questions or provide feedback.

Step #4:

The Big Reveal

Once the day is over, we will have one last Zoom call together to go over the final results of our glorious, to-do list-crushing, productive day.

You will walk away knowing that the one thing you have been putting off, or maybe did not know how to do, is DONE. 

How amazing will it feel to know you have dedicated ONE FOCUSED DAY to drastically improve your business?

But wait, there is more…

After we are done with our amazing, productive day, you will also receive 30 days of support that will include email and/or Voxer support where you can ask questions, get feedback, and request personalized demo videos if you are stuck on something we covered during our VIP Day.

Are you thinking, “Jamie, you had me at hello...”?

Then let’s do this!

Your 50% deposit of just $750 seals the deal, my friend. 

You are worth it.

Your new customers are waiting for you.

Get uncomfortable.

Let’s annihilate your to-do list, ok?

I can’t wait to spend the day with you!

I have nothing but absolutely positive things to say about Jamie and her incredible marketing skills! From copywriting to strategy (both equine and in general) - she knows exactly how to help you develop a phenomenal marketing plan! She not only has a ton of knowledge, but she is one of the rare types of people who continue to up their game: reading, studying, learning new skills and methods all the time. Aside from being a great professional, Jamie is also a kind, caring wife & mother who truly embodies the values she preaches. She is the person you want on your side, in your business, helping you reach those goals!
Lindsey Bodamer
Lindsey Bodamer
Wild Virtual Management
"Jamie represents that unique find within the world of marketing: she's authentic and funny- but her charisma is just the icing on the cake...
Extremely easy to collaborate with- Jamie brings enthusiasm, marketing wizardry, and developmental strategies to the table that effectively breathe new life into brands and businesses.
Her mentorship/coaching is an extension of her incredible ability to relate, connect and get results. She is able to instill new confidence and vision for those she mentors, equipping them to develop successful marketing strategies and solid business practices.
I always look forward to projects with Jamie- she's just a lovely person, able to blend professionalism and play while getting the job done!"
Sara Shelley
Sara Shelley
Double S Copywriting
"I met Jamie several years ago through a conference at American Horse Publications, and since then, we've become friends as well as colleagues. She is a passionate, driven individual who is truly dedicated to giving her all for her clients. Jamie is incredibly knowledgeable about her craft, but she's always pursuing more education and more opportunities to improve herself and her skills for the benefit of her clients, too. I am always inspired by her professional presentations as well as by our casual conversations as friends. If you hire her, you will not only gain a professional and fabulous marketer who is dedicated to helping you meet your goals -- you'll also gain a true friend and valuable colleague! (She's also a lifelong horsewoman who brings a lot of hands-on knowledge to the equine and ag industries, which is always a plus!)!"
Allison Rehnborg
Allison Rehnborg
Marketing Coordinator at Equine Affire, Inc.
"Jamie is an absolute PLEASURE to do business with! I have been a client of hers for the past 6 months and she is EXTREMELY entrepreneurial with a great eye for marketing. Not only is she interested in offering the highest quality of service for anything she does, she is also very interested in seeing other small business owners succeed. It is very obvious she is a savvy business person and her knowledge of what it takes to get a business noticed AND her willingness to offer advice to other business owners makes for a GREAT reason to do business with her on any capacity!"
Matthew LaViola
Matthew LaViola
Former Owner/Publisher, Coffee News Livingston & West Oakland

I'm ready Jamie, let's do this!

Copyright © 2025 Yellow Barn Media. All rights reserved.

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